Learn and Dev Vlog: Day 2 - Animating the Crosshair

Hey everyone! 

I'm thrilled to share that I've made it to Day 2 of my game development journey, and this feels like a massive achievement for me. In the past, I've struggled to stay motivated for more than a day, so this is a big win!

Today, I focused on creating and animating a crosshair for my game. The idea was to make the crosshair spread out when the player is moving, adding a dynamic feel to the gameplay. It might sound like a small step, but trust me, it's a huge milestone for me.

As a beginner in game development, I'm learning a lot along the way. Today, I encountered an error while working on this feature. The error message was:

No constructor of "Vector2" matches the signature "Vector2(int, Vector3)"

This error occurred in the following line of code:

RETICLE_LINES[0].position = lerp(RETICLE_LINES[0].position, pos + Vector2(0.0, -speed * RETICLE_DISTANCE), RETICLE_SPEED) # for top of crosshair

To fix it, I modified the code as follows:

var direction = (vel - origin).normalized()

var speed = Vector2(direction.x, direction.z) # Convert direction to Vector2

RETICLE_LINES[0].position = lerp(RETICLE_LINES[0].position, pos + Vector2(0.0, -speed.length() * RETICLE_DISTANCE), RETICLE_SPEED) # for top of crosshair

By converting the direction to a `Vector2`, I was able to resolve the error and get the crosshair animation working as intended.

I'm really proud of this progress and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Stay tuned for more updates on my game development adventure and as always, your feedback is welcome!

Happy coding! 🚀

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